Resented Quick Sleep: use these three words

Quick footsteps sounded behind her. She didn’t dare glance over her shoulder. Best not to see what stalked her through the trees’ midnight shadows. She resented being here at all, called from her sleep by a power she had no knowledge of.

woman in forest at night

A task, a simple task, a silken voice had whispered in her dreams.

Who are you? she asked from the depths of unconsciousness.

One who needs you.

And with that, she was here.

A familiar place, this forest, this path. Walked in daylight it could just be borne, the susurrated cries muted by birdsong. Now, in the still of a moonless night, those cries echoed loudly in her mind. The lost, the lonely, the heart sick bereaved – they gathered here, drew thin sustenance from each other.

The footsteps closed in, rustling the leftover autumn leaves. Warm breath raised the fine hairs on her neck. Courage. She stopped, turned.

I am here, she told the whispering darkness. Tell me your task.

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Find Cheryl’s flash fiction and short stories, including audio versions of some, here!

2 thoughts on “Resented Quick Sleep: use these three words”

  1. Fred Silvers resented the way his boss treated him. Always expecting him to do the impossible when it came to any project – so much so that most nights he was unable to sleep worrying about the task facing him the next day.
    “Should be quick and easy,” his boss said every time they took on a new client.
    But Fred knew it would be a long and difficult process before the client was satisfied with the result and happy to pay the fee.
    Fred knew he should have left the firm years ago – told his boss to shove it and walk out the door in search of a more satisfying career.
    However, something always held him back. Perhaps it was a lack of confidence in his own ability to find another job, let alone tackle it successfully, or maybe he had just become too comfortable where he was and was too lazy to do anything about it.
    Whatever the case, Fred just kept accepting the treatment his boss meted out – despite the seething feelings of anger that burned deep every single day.
    “We’ve got another new client,” his boss said breezily as he poked his head around the office door. “See you in the conference room in 10 minutes.”
    Fred said nothing and, like always, busied himself getting ready.
    “This is Mr Carruthers,” his boss said as Fred entered the conference room. “He is the managing director of Fancy Fast Foods and they are looking for an advertising and marketing campaign that will triple their sales in six months.”
    Fred shook hands with the man and cringed as his boss added, “should be quick and easy to achieve that, eh.”
    He looked at his boss and at Mr Carruthers who was smiling in eager anticipation of a campaign that would have his company’s name and brands on everyone’s lips.
    “And what makes you think that?” Fred exploded angrily, unable to contain his resentment any longer.
    His boss looked surprised and Mr Carruthers somewhat puzzled.
    “What do you mean,” his boss said. “It’s always been a piece of cake for you to come up with successful campaigns. You’ve been doing it for years.”
    “No, it hasn’t,” Fred retorted. “Do you know how many sleepless nights I have had at the expense of your so called ‘quick and easy’ efforts?
    “And as for Fancy Fast Foods – their products are rubbish and everyone knows it, and no amount of marketing will change that!!”
    And with that, Fred stormed out of the conference room back to his office fully aware that his days at the company were over and he would finally have to look for another job.

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