My journey to self-publishing

My journey to self-publishing my books tells how I clambered out of the querying trenches into the frightening no-man’s land of self-publishing. And survived!

Budding novelists are increasingly faced with the decision these days whether to go the ‘traditional’ publishing route or to self-publish.

Traditional generally implies seeking a literary agent for your manuscript who will then attempt to sell it to one of the mainstream publishers. It also covers that halfway house of independent and small presses. Self-publishing, however, does what it says on the tin – you are your own publisher with all that entails.

My good friend Stoney de Geyter allowed me to write a post for his blog setting out my journey to self-publishing, from seeking traditional representation to deciding to get the books out there. Many have found it useful, and I hope it will continue to prove helpful for those wondering what to do.

And all the very best whichever way you go!

You can read it all here.

my journey to self-publishing path