My monthly newsletter book reviews can be found on my Reviews of what I’m Reading page. But as I read more than one book a month, I leave other reviews here on my blog. They also get posted to Amazon and Goodreads.
Here’s my review of A Gift of Butterflies
Caught me out!
The author sent this to me because he pulled my name out of a twitter hat and/or decided I needed to expand my reading taste. Very happy that he did.

‘Be careful what you wish for.’
Find A Gift of Butterflies and all David’s work here.
Mark and Suzie have a problem – or rather, people who annoy them have a problem. Although both are English, it’s the US government which wishes to exploit this ‘problem’ gift of ‘butterflies’.
But be careful what you wish for should be branded on everyone’s forehead.
This is an entertaining and imaginative read, with an interesting premise and some great characters to like and dislike. Settings are done really well and the story rocks along at a nice pace. The ending totally caught me out.
Thank you, David. I’ve downloaded the remaining two books as I really need to know…