Interiority and Deep POV

For a fuller explanation of Deep POV go to this later post, which appeared in the Writers’ Corner of my August newsletter. Sign up for regular writing tips!

Here’s a word I’ve only just come across:


I tucked it away and sort of forgot about it until reading through my current WIP. That’s when I realised I have an awful lot of inner dialogue going on with my three main characters and this word, ‘interiority’, popped into my mind (there’s a joke there).

I found this blog post, which I like because it justifies what I’ve done – given my reader a rich insight into the internal conflicts and emotions of my leading players. It’s an automatic extension to Deep POV, I think. I just hope it’s not too much. There’s a lot of dialogue too and – especially towards the end – some dramatic action.

Now what to do with all this? First, I’m going to highlight all those interiority sections in the MS and see how much there actually is vs dialogue….

And just when I thought I was nearly done with this one and thinking of cover designs (which is a harder task by the way).

Happy writing!

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