He is hesitant

‘He is hesitant’ is a writing prompt from Cheryl’s current work in progress, as yet untitled. Readers of River Witch might recognise the character and the place, the even perhaps the situation Aaron refers to. Yes, it’s a sequel, and a dual timeline one at that to introduce more characters for your reading pleasure.

Midsummer 1897

With the sun emptying the remains of the day’s heat against the old stones of the Welsh bridge, Aaron steps to the lichen-stained balustrade.

welsh bridge

He is hesitant. Memories of the time he last grasped these stones tumble in his head. Now, as then, his mood is melancholy.

His past poor humour was due to the death of a horse he had no chance to save, despite hurrying to Shrewsbury at the merchant owner’s pleading. This midsummer evening, Aaron’s mood is the festering anticipation of what tomorrow will bring when he rides the short distance to his childhood home. He has been culpably tardy, having understood for six years he owes his parents this much, to tell them their son is alive and in what circumstances he lives. Aaron rubs at his short beard and stifles speculation about the reception his news will have. Tomorrow is soon enough to steel himself for duty.

Follow the writing prompt on Facebook.

Find Cheryl’s flash fiction and short stories, including audio versions of some, here!

3 thoughts on “He is hesitant”

  1. Sir Shining was aptly titled. Wearing a glowing white suit of armour with matching glistening toothpaste smile on a pure white charger, he was the stuff of fairy tales and any damsel in distress could count on him to rescue her in times of strife.
    The white knight had a perfectionist view of the world. Good always triumphed over evil, maidens were to be cherished not exploited, and wars fought only in the name of God and King.
    For Sir Shining, it had always been thus. He had learnt his knightly craft as a young lad and, from then on, purity of spirit was reflected in his dress and his vow to save all those who needed it.
    And, so it was this particular day that Sir Shining found himself on the road to Shrewsbury – to save yet another damsel imprisoned by a wicked lord in a stony castle.
    He certainly looked the part. White armour with matching plumed helmet mounted on his white war horse, white lance gripped tightly in his left iron-gloved hand, he was making good time as his steed’s steady strides ate up the miles.
    Until, that is, his path was blocked by a dark black knight with matching armour and horse.
    Sir Midnight, no less, thought Sir Shining. What is he doing here? No doubt, up to no good.
    The black knight was the antithesis of Sir Shining. Any evil or trouble in the world and Sir Midnight was bound to be the cause. He had never been known to do a good deed and would sell his own grandmother to the highest bidder if it suited his purpose.
    Now confronting the white knight on his quest, Sir Shining suspected Sir Midnight had been employed by the evil lord to thwart all good intentions to rescue the imprisoned damsel.
    Just for a moment, he hesitated. Doubts about his prowess pervaded his conscience for the first time. What if he was unable to defeat Sir Midnight. He had never fought him in battle and the reputation of his fighting skills was legendary.
    Sir Shining had won plenty of jousts but they had always been against inferior opponents. Sir Midnight was a different matter altogether. Still hanging around and waiting would never do. The damsel needed saving and that was all there was to it.
    With that in mind, Sir Shining lowered his helmet visor, then his lance and charged towards the black knight.

  2. Intriguing. Sets the mood nicely. Presume he will follow through and see his parents 😀

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