The longest sentence you can where every word starts with the same letter. The last of the writing prompts from the workshop a week or so ago (you’ll be glad to know), and another challenge.
You can pick any letter you like for the longest sentence you can, suggest possibly not v, w, x, y or z! And as with the alphabet sentence, it can be nonsense but does have to be grammatically correct. Also – as someone did in the workshop – filling half the sentence with names is kind of considered cheating LOL. You can, however, repeat words.

I picked T, and got to 35 words which apparently is quite good. I’ve added three more since then. But then, I do love a long sentence.
Here it is:
Teddy’s telling tales to two tomboys, Thea, Tammy, tearaways together, tough, touchy too, tales to terrify, titillate, touching tales to take to the theatre to transform themselves to toothsome tarts tapdancing together, today, tonight, tomorrow, terminating Tuesday, tops.
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Find Cheryl’s flash fiction and short stories, including audio versions of some, here.
Rollicking roly-poly Roger rolled roundly round rabbits regurgitating rehashed rough rocks rapidly rushing, roaring, rampaging, rocking, returning routinely – referenced religiously restive rector reckoning robots ranting, relishing razing rubbish ridden rodents readily rendered rotten rorters.
What a marvellous tantalising effort 😂