The door slowly opened

Today’s writing prompt and my response.

Day two for this week. Use the prompt however you like, one at a time, or pen a short story over as many as you like.
The door slowly opened

Kaye had her head down, typing feverishly. The muse was upon her: her mind spun with glorious imagery, the scenes wrote themselves …

Somewhere, a faint tapping sounded. She ignored it. Must be the plumbing, the pipes in the old house playing up again.

fantasy landscape

Back to the story. Werewolves leaped, elves brandished shining swords, and ogres carried away hapless maidens to a background of a castle in flames, soaring sheets of red and gold filling a louring night sky.

The kids would love it, all that gore, all that fantasy world Kaye created for their imaginations to feed on. It was all so real, to her, to the kids. These characters lived, actual beings with all their goodness and nastiness. Her family.

The tapping persisted, grew louder. It sounded closer.

Frowning, Kaye lifted her head and stared above the computer screen to where the door slowly opened.

She gasped.

Sheets of red and gold filled the landing beyond, the screams of maidens, the grunts of ogres …

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Find Cheryl’s flash fiction and short stories here!

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