Having had a great day recently at the local Bream Book Fair, I’m looking forward to heading all the way across the river to Stroud to attend the Stroud Book Fair 14 September to tempt readers with my books.
Here I am at Bream last Saturday. Very pleased that lovely readers bought something of everything, with River Witch proving the most popular overall. I suspect it’s the local appeal. It was brilliant to catch up with other local authors and a lot of good friends from the Forest too.

I was one of the lucky authors to do a reading in the tea tent, which was well attended. I read from Keepers which was well-received. Three short pieces to bring a flavour of the ‘simmering love triangle’ as one reviewer put it between the three main characters.
Come along to the Stroud Book Fair 14 September!

So if you’re in the vicinity of Stroud on 14 Sept, the details are:
Lansdown Hall, Lansdown, Stroud GL5 1BB
10 am to 3 pm.
Free entry.