I’ve done a couple of beta reads this month and there will be more on those when they’re ‘cooked’, but I’ve posted on my What I’m Reading page short reviews of what I’ve read that I can talk about.
All good reads this month. I have to say much of my reading matter is suggested to me these days by Amazon in regular emails, telling me I might like such and such. Many of the such and such I’ve already read, so they’re right in that regard. It does mean I’m not so tempted by the hyped novels which, as anyone has likely guessed who reads my reviews, so often disappoint.

July’s book of the month was a hard choice, but in the end I plumped for The Woman in the White Kimono by Ana Johns. Here’s the link to my views on that and what else I’ve read.
Love to know what others are reading, always looking for recommendations.