Dotty cried all the way

Dotty cried all the way is a writing prompt taken from the short story No Hodding, in my 2023 collection, Who can believe in witches?

coal head

We watched the stockpiles by the pitheads grow tall like spoil heaps. No one to buy it for a decent price, Uncle Jim said. The men shook their heads and waited to be told it’d be part-time work from now. Like at Harrow Hill and Crown. Most of the men laid off there, and what they supposed to do? Nothing else going, now the tinplates works closed.

Rose was already gone, after Dad fell off the cage. She went on her own all the way to London, being fifteen, a big girl, and better able to look after herself. She doan write much except the once, to tell us the lady is busy making sure women be allowed t’vote some time, so never at home, and the gentleman is kind, gives her little presents like ribbons and pretty buttons.

Mam breathed a bit fast when she read the letter. She didn’t say nothing though, so I s’posed she was happy Rose had a kind master.

No kind masters for the men in the pits.

Find out more about Who can believe in witches and other historical fiction here.

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